Monday, June 11, 2012

Day 18, Round III

Ava had a great weekend visiting with Addison, whom she absolutely adores and missed terribly the last 2 weeks!  It was a great finish to the tough week she had.  This week is turning out pretty well and it's only Monday.  Ava had a red blood cell transfusion yesterday that gave her a tremendous amount of energy to start off the week!
Ava getting cozy during her red blood cell transfusion  

Ava's counts are moving in the right direction and she is now producing her own platelets so hopefully those darn bruises will start disappearing.  Ava has some monocytes already, she had 7 yesterday and 17 today.  Monocytes start to appear before her ANC which is a sign that her counts are recovering, and we are only on day #18.

Ava picked her own outfit today

I am so anxious for round 3 to be over, more so than I have been with the other 2 rounds.  I'm just ready to move onto round 4, I guess because at the end of it we get to ring the bell to celebrate Ava making it through 4 successful rounds of chemotherapy AND soon after the bell, the results will come in that say she is OFFICIALLY in REMISSION! 

I'm crossing my fingers in hopes that tomorrow brings more Monocytes and possibly some ANC.   


  1. Yay Ava! Love your pretty outfit:) You are such a strong girl! Hugs from Chicago xoxo

  2. Ava you are amazing girl and have an amazing family who love you so much! Glad you are going home!!! Love from Papa and Meme!
